Rancho Del Mar High School A WASC Accredited Model Continuation High School

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Kathleen Rarewala » Posts


Visual and Performing Arts Classes

Welcome to my VAPA classes.
Choose a Class and we will explore your creative mind, together.
Ceramics 1 A-B                                    ASB/Leadership
Ceramics 2 A -B                                   Journalism 1
Ceramics 3 A-B                                    Post-Secondary Transitions
Ceramics 4 A-B                                    Yearbook
                                                              Newspaper/Literary Magazine
Sculpture 1 A-B                                     Advanced Projects              
Sculpture 2 A-B
Graphics Design A-B
Creative Art A-B
Interior Visual Design A-B
Interior Design
Drawing Painting 1 A-B
Drawing Painting 2 A-B
Music Appreciation A-B
Printmaking A-B
Teacher Assistant 1 -4 years

Otis College Tour 11/16/2017

Exploring Otis College of Art and Design for the day. RDM students were excited to see the many Art and Design disciplines that Otis offers the interested student.