Rancho Del Mar High School A WASC Accredited Model Continuation High School

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Kathleen Rarewala » WELCOME Students, to Mrs. Rarewala's Art Webpage

WELCOME Students, to Mrs. Rarewala's Art Webpage

WELCOME to the Visual and Performing Arts Department
Please enjoy our time together. The Visual and Performing Arts is exciting and enjoyable. We will explore many  mediums together.



Visual and Performing Arts Classes

Welcome to my VAPA classes.
Choose a Class and we will explore your creative mind, together.
Ceramics 1 A-B                                    ASB/Leadership
Ceramics 2 A -B                                   Journalism 1
Ceramics 3 A-B                                    Post-Secondary Transitions
Ceramics 4 A-B                                    Yearbook
                                                              Newspaper/Literary Magazine
Sculpture 1 A-B                                     Advanced Projects              
Sculpture 2 A-B
Graphics Design A-B
Creative Art A-B
Interior Visual Design A-B
Interior Design
Drawing Painting 1 A-B
Drawing Painting 2 A-B
Music Appreciation A-B
Printmaking A-B
Teacher Assistant 1 -4 years

Otis College Tour 11/16/2017

Exploring Otis College of Art and Design for the day. RDM students were excited to see the many Art and Design disciplines that Otis offers the interested student.